ASO: Robert Spano and Louis Lortie

While Robert Spano was conducting the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in Christopher Theofanidis’ Symphony no. 1, I found myself thinking about something one of my college philosophy professors said about Immanuel Kant. She said something along the lines that he would put thoughts and ideas in a box until it was filled and then write a book out of what was in it. I have no idea as to the veracity of this story, but I kind of got the feeling that this was how Theofanidis composed his symphony because it seemed like a bunch of unconnected aesthetic ideas mashed together into an oddly and impressively coherent whole.
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ASO: Robert Spano with Benjamin Beilman

The orchestra wasn’t in its best form this evening. There was a lot of muddiness all around, but particularly from the brass and the 2nd violins. That said, the music itself did make it through the mud well enough for me to appreciate the scores that they were playing.
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ASO: “Creation/Creator”

As I was reading the program notes for the ASO’s performance of Theofanidis’ new oratorio “Creation/Creator,” I was amazed by the variety of themes and perspectives that he was exploring with the piece. I couldn’t imagine how someone could manage to bring such disparate parts together into a coherent whole and was somewhat excited to see how he pulled it off. You can imagine my disappointment to find that his imagination did not rise above my own in this regard as he completely failed to produce a piece with any meaningful sense of flow.
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