Dance Canvas: Introducing the Next Generation

Dance Canvas’ “Introducing the Next Generation” is an annual dance concert put together to showcase the works of new and developing choreographers. I’ve been twice before (it would have been three but for the snow last year) and have generally found it enjoyable. Since it features a number of different choreographers and dancers, it can be a mixed bag, but I’ve always found at least one or two pieces in the bunch that I really enjoyed and even the worst of it generally isn’t that bad. This evenings’ collection of works did have some that I didn’t particularly enjoy, but there were some that I really liked.
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Fuerta Dance Company: (luna)tics

If I had a nickel for every time that some dancer’s mother seemed excited that the only reason that I came out to see a semi-pro company’s dance concert is that I happen to like concert dance then I could buy a cool, tasty soda. And a cool drink would be nice right now because the theater in which I just saw Fuerta Dance’s production, (luna)tics, was pretty warm and my drive home was warmer since, it seems, my AC is out again.
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