Atlanta Ballet: Heart/Beat

I was disappointed by the poor turnout for Atlanta Ballet’s Heart/Beat program last night. I think that Atlanta Ballet has tended to stage narrative pieces for their February program in the past to maximize ticket sales with the St. Valentines Day boost but this year they went with a mixed repertoire show featuring one piece from each of the three decades of the millennium so far.1 I’m sure turnout will be higher next weekend with V-Day being on the day of the Friday performance but I normally don’t go to the V-Day weekend performances2 and the earlier showings have usually had better turnout. Hopefully next weekend will make up for it.
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Atlanta Dance Collective: Raw

I’ve not been to as much concert dance this season as in the past: that along with chamber music has kind of fallen to the wayside as I’ve attended more dramatic theater or otherwise have been too busy or tired to make it to shows. As such, I was pretty happy when I noticed that Atlanta Dance Collective’s Raw was being staged on a random Friday that I had free and also was being staged conveniently close to where I lived at the Atlanta Dance Academy (TADA). It was a nice evening of dance featuring four pieces by five choreographers.
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Alvin Ailey II

I was a little bit worried going into the Ailey II performance at the Rialto last night because I’ve been a bit depressed lately and I wasn’t sure that dance would breach the haze to give me a glimpse of something more joyful or meaningful than my dark musings had allowed of late. It didn’t help that I still have my notes from last year’s performance that I never managed to flesh out into a full post. Reviewing them before the show, I realized just how unmemorable it was. Looking over my descriptions of the pieces brought nothing to mind but that I felt that they weren’t really for me. This year, though, I felt like they really delivered.
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Dance Canvas: Introducing the Next Generation

I went to the Guthman finals at the Ferst Center a couple of weeks ago and found that the new seats don’t aggravate the problem with my back if I use the lumbar pillow that I keep in my car. That meant that I could actually attend this year’s Dance Canvas showcase, Introducing the Next Generation, last night. There were some really good pieces in it, too, so I’m glad that I was able to go.
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Thread: Women’s Voices Through Dance

Last night I caught Thread: Women’s Voices Through Dance, a collaboration between artists in the Atlanta and Chattanooga areas staged at Emory’s Performing Arts Studio. I honestly didn’t know much about what to expect, but it promised reconstructions and there really aren’t many people doing classic modern dance pieces in the metro area, so I bought a ticket. It turned out that there was only one reconstruction, but I didn’t feel disappointed because the show was still enjoyable.
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Ballet Hispanico

Due to some back issues, I wasn’t really able to comfortably sit and write this out the weekend before last when I saw Ballet Hispanico perform at the Rialto.  I generally don’t get around to completing a writeup if I don’t get to it within a day or two, but I really wanted to make sure that I got something down so that I will be able to remember them since I enjoyed the show so much. In particular, I want to remember to keep an eye out for works by choreographer Michelle Manzanales, whose Con Brazos Abiertos opened the program.
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