Atlanta Fringe Festival: 7 Deadly Sins

I concluded my experience of the Atlanta Fringe Festival this afternoon with Roots Dance Project‘s “7 Deadly Sins.” I enjoyed their show last year and I have to say that it was my favorite show that I saw at the festival this year. Roots is a contemporary ballet company formed for the festival and made up of dancers from a variety of companies in a variety of cities. This program, as the title implies, was made up of pieces that each took as their respective themes one of the seven cardinal sins from Christian theology.
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Atlanta Fringe Festival: Infinite Expectation of the Dawn

Braving the heat, a friend of mine and I went out to see “Infinite Expectation of the Dawn,” a Giant Nerd Productions show written, directed, and performed by L. Nicol Cabe and presented as part of the Atlanta Fringe Festival. The first of two things that made me choose to see this was that it was billed as a science fiction story set in a dystopian near future, which is something that I thought that my companion and I would find interesting. The second was that it is a solo performance piece written, directed, and produced by a woman in a world of theater where women playwrites and directors are still often given the shaft for no other reason than their lack of a Y chromosome and this person is bringing this show from Seattle, WA all the way to Atlanta, GA. To be frank, I feel that putting oneself out there for a solo show like this is a pretty tough thing to do even without being of a class that suffers discrimination in this field and in an unfamiliar city and the least that I can do to support that kind of bravery is to sit in a chair and let someone try to entertain me with a story that already sounds like it’ll be pretty interesting.
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Atlanta Fringe Festival: Mysterium – A Magic Show

I just took a wild ride into “The Mysterium” with Keith Bourdreau and Erica Valen of Mysterium Productions as part of the Atlanta Fringe Festival. I’m not a huge magic aficionado but do I love a good show and, of course, a good magic show has less to do with the illusions and more to do with putting on a good show. Bourdreau and Valen’s charming, delightful, and fun production definitely made for a good show.
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Roots Dance Project: Facets of Love

I went to a dance performance that was part of the Fringe Festival at 7 Stages this afternoon. It seems that there is a dance company that was formed for the festival a few years ago and I guess that I didn’t pay enough attention to notice. Anyway, now that 7 Stages is an easy mile walk from my place and I didn’t have anything planned for this afternoon, I figured that I’d check them out.
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